Recently, The General Synod of the Church of England voted (by a very narrow majority) to authorize a trial of prayers to bless same-sex relationships. This compromise, a typical Anglican fudge, has, unsurprisingly, satisfied no one.
On the one hand, many evangelicals believe this amounts to a rejection of biblical authority and the authorization of heresy within the Church.. Others believe it does not go far enough, evidence that the Anglican Church remains institutionally homophobic and abusive towards homosexuals.
NOW, Jane Ozanne, one of the Church’s most vocal advocates for same-sex marriage, has resigned from the General Synod. In an interview with Pink news she declared that she “can no longer, in good conscience, remain in an institution that continues to tolerate abuse against (LBGT+) people.”
The purpose of the Church is to call people to repentance and faith
Criticizing the test of blessing prayers, she called it “a very small, reluctant measure” that “does not answer the central question (in the Church), whether sexual relations outside of marriage are a question of salvation.
The central question
Ozanne has, perhaps unintentionally, crystallized the crucial question facing not only the Church of England, but all churches and evangelical Christians. While much of the debate over same-sex relationships focuses on arguments about equality, inclusion, abuse and harm, the fundamental problem is whether sexual behavior is a matter of salvation.
This determines whether the attitude toward same-sex relationships is a secondary issue on which evangelicals can consciously reach different conclusions, or whether it is a primary issue that determines whether people should be accepted as Christians.
If sexual relations outside of marriage are a matter of salvation, it follows that those who engage in such relations remain under God’s judgment and are excluded from His gracious gift of eternal life. They are therefore not to be considered members of the Church, and those who encourage such relationships are false teachers who must be silenced.
Face the truth
I’m glad Ozanne laid out the problem so clearly, because it’s too easy for evangelicals to avoid the harsh reality of what’s at stake in this debate. I’m also glad that his comment refers to “sex outside of marriage” more broadly, because it makes it clear that the problem isn’t just about same-sex relationships. But even if Ozanne has identified the central question, the fundamental problem remains: how to answer it?
For many supporters of same-sex relationships, this is a simple matter of equality and justice for those in loving, committed relationships, whether heterosexual or homosexual. The conclusion is that since God is love, He must be satisfied with all loving human relationships.
But this cannot serve as a basis for determining what is right and true. Our supreme authority is the Bible, which we believe to be the word of God. To be a Christian is to be one who submits and surrenders to Jesus as Lord, and therefore seeks to live in obedience to the rule of His word in all aspects of one’s life.
What does the Bible say?
When we turn to the Bible, its message is unequivocal: sex outside of marriage East a question of salvation. Sex was God’s gift to humanity in creation, but he designed it exclusively for use in marriage between a man and a woman. This is reflected in the Old Testament law, in the teaching of Jesus, and in the letters of the New Testament.
Sexual immorality, which scholars say includes adultery, prostitution, sex outside of marriage and homosexual relations, is a sin. Those who engage in sexual immorality thus demonstrate that they are outside the kingdom of God, the sphere of salvation.
The conclusion is that since God is love, He must be satisfied with all loving relationships.
Paul makes this especially clear in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10: “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor the idolaters, nor the adulterers, nor those who have sex with men, nor the thieves, nor the covetous, nor the drunkards, nor the slanderers, nor the extortioners. will inherit the kingdom of God.
This is consistent with teachings found elsewhere in the New Testament, including 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8 and Revelation 21:8.
Repent and believe
It is important to clarify that it is not sexual sin that disqualifies people from the kingdom of God, but failure to repent and receive the forgiveness offered by Christ. Continuing to live in sin, proudly refusing to repent, is a sure sign that a person is not in the kingdom. This is true not only for sexual sin, but also for other sins that are also contrary to the clearly revealed will of God.
Those who wish to affirm same-sex relationships must find ways to reject this teaching. Several interpretative strategies have been advocated to achieve this, but none are convincing. Some have argued that the biblical teaching on homosexuality only addresses abusive relationships or that the passages refer to people who are inherently heterosexual but are experimenting with homosexuality.
These arguments have been widely discredited as exegetically and culturally untenable. Today, the main argument used is that the New Testament reveals a “redemptive trajectory” and that God is saying something different to the Church today than he was saying 2,000 years ago. However, this argument entirely undermines the doctrine of Scripture. Either the Bible was never the word of God, or God lied about homosexuality in the past, or God has, for some undisclosed reason, changed His mind about homosexuality. Because of our view of what Scripture is, no evangelical can accept such arguments.
False hope
As Christians and churches face increasing pressure to compromise, we must be clear about what is at stake. Allowing people to think that they can enjoy forgiveness and the gift of eternal life while continuing to sin sexually is not love. As Ozanne makes clear, this is not just homosexuality but all sexual relations outside of marriage. The Church cannot accept and affirm adultery, cohabitation, romantic relationships, friendly relationships, prostitution, pornographyneither does polygamy or polyamory.
Ozanne asserts that it is abusive and dangerous for the Church to uphold biblical teaching on sex. However, the purpose of the Church is to call people to repentance and faith, so that we can all be conformed to the likeness of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:18). No one has the “right” to be included in the Church on their own terms. Jesus gave the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 16:19) to his Church, and only those who repent and believe the good news are admitted (Mark 1:15).
Jesus came to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10), to call sinners to repentance, but He turned away those who would not repent and submit to His rule. The rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-27) wanted to enter the kingdom on his own terms, while retaining his wealth. Jesus sent him away. Was it abuse? No, it was an act of love. Jesus did not offer the false hope of salvation without repentance and faith.
Much more could be said about the need for the Church to reject homophobia and the vital need to affirm, welcome and support same-sex attracted believers who resist temptation and struggle to live in obedience to Jesus’ teaching that sex is reserved for heterosexual marriage. They are true heroes of the faith. However, this article only aims to answer the question posed by Ozanne, namely: Is sex outside of marriage a question of salvation? Evangelicals are forced to conclude in the affirmative and fight against those who argue otherwise.