Crédit photo : ToBeDaniel sur Wikipédia italien.L’intérieur de l’église Lakewood à Houston lors d’un service de culte en 2013. Des rapports ont révélé que le tireur qui a attaqué l’église Lakewood du télévangéliste Joel Osteen à Houston le 11 février avait écrit « Palestine » sur son fusil. La police a également découvert des écrits antisémites. Les analystes associés à l’Anti-Defamation League ont depuis découvert des déclarations en ligne spécifiques exprimant des sympathies terroristes. La chaîne Telegram de Genesse Moreno, 36 ans, qui avait un casier judiciaire, affichait son soutien aux groupes terroristes islamistes Hamas, Hezbollah et Al-Qaïda. Cela démontrait également une…
Author: Admintemp
By Michael Gryboskimain church editor Sunday February 18, 2024A memorial in Nagasaki, Japan, dedicated to 26 Christians martyred in 1597. | Wikimedia Commons/Alex ToraThroughout the long history of the Church, many events of lasting significance have occurred.Each week brings its share of milestone anniversaries, unforgettable tragedies, astonishing triumphs, memorable births and notable deaths.Some events from over 2,000 years of history may be familiar, while others may be unfamiliar to many people.The following pages highlight the anniversaries of momentous events that occurred this week in Christian history. These include the death of Kathryn Kuhlman, John Henry Newman’s departure from Oxford, and…
Joel Osteen, de l’église de Lakewood, prêt à accueillir les invités après le tournage – CBS Texas Regarder CBS News Le pasteur Joel Osteen de l’église Lakewood accueille à nouveau la communauté dans son église pour un service de guérison spécial dimanche, après une fusillade la semaine dernière. Soyez le premier à savoir Recevez des notifications de navigateur pour les dernières nouvelles, les événements en direct et les rapports exclusifs. Pas maintenant Allumer
By Orion Rummler, The 19 When Karmen Michael Smith moved to New York in 2003, he joined a new progressive Baptist church. He was raised with the idea that if he wanted to find community in a new place, he needed to find a “church house.” But in a city known for its progressive views, the homophobia that had germinated his childhood church as if suddenly the overgrown grass was still waiting for him. Smith wanted to put down roots. He even took a job at the church as a member of the praise and worship team – but the…
En février 2023, des dirigeants religieux du monde entier se sont réunis aux Émirats arabes unis pour célébrer l’ouverture de la Maison de la famille abrahamique, un vaste complexe multiconfessionnel comprenant une mosquée, une église et une synagogue. L’inauguration officielle a eu lieu exactement quatre ans après le voyage du pape François à Abou Dhabi pour signer un document sur la fraternité humaine avec le grand imam Al-Tayeb d’Al-Azhar, un événement qui a marqué un point culminant dans la diplomatie religieuse internationale. Mais aujourd’hui, un an plus tard, la guerre entre Israël et le Hamas a créé de nouveaux défis…
“The reality of trauma is that it is a perceived experience in which we feel like the tools we have to deal with what we experienced have been exhausted…so those experiences and the created meaning remains stuck in our body.”That’s what Lisa Cuss, therapist and wife of Steve Cuss, says in this episode of To be human. Lisa and Steve talk about how trauma takes hold within us, body techniques for dealing with difficult experiences, and what it means to understand God as the ultimate healer. They delve deeper into systems theory, discuss how theology and psychology can integrate, and…
In my personal life, I have an aversion to advice and even human contact. I react the same way to these two expressions. If someone touches my arm for the sole purpose of kindness, I tend to scratch it, as a former partner observed. If someone brings their advice into my life, I often do the same thing: scratch them. Another friend once told me that the only way to stop me from jumping in a puddle was to tell me to jump in it. At 47, I don’t really want to jump in puddles, but if someone told me…
Lara Weber, Broken Arrow After reading the article in the February 8 issue about the My God Votes Capitol Worship Service at the Oklahoma State Capitol, I feel compelled to write this letter (“Weekly worship service at the Oklahoma Capitol, modeled on the Texas My God Votes program.”).My God vote bothers me as a Christian. It’s shameful that people who call themselves Christians do this to try to bring God down to their level: politics.God doesn’t vote. He reigns. Jesus did not vote. He is dead. Jesus died for people who choose to vote and for those who choose not…
OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLAHOMA, ÉTATS-UNIS, 15 février 2024 /–“La protestation de ce garçon : SUR LA FUSION DE L’ÉGLISE ET DE LA POLITIQUE,” Rédigé par Harold D. Spradling, captive désormais l’esprit des lecteurs du monde entier. Distribué via Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble et le site Web de l’auteur, ce mémoire plonge de manière unique dans les domaines entrelacés de la foi et de la politique, constituant une exploration significative dans le climat politiquement chargé d’aujourd’hui.Aperçus détaillés du livre Le livre de Spradling est plus qu’un récit personnel ; c’est une expédition intellectuelle. Il navigue à travers les subtilités des traditions évangéliques,…
Hundreds of South African Christians are expected to gather in major towns across the country next Sunday to offer prayers for South Africa and Israel. They intend to show solidarity with the Jewish state and dissociate themselves from what they perceive as South Africa’s baseless accusation of genocide against Israel.“Many members of the Christian community are deeply unhappy with the allegations made by our government against Israel,” said Philip Rosenthal, director of the ChristianView network, who will participate in the afternoon of prayer. “We believe in Genesis 12 that it will bring a curse on South Africa unless we…