Author: Admintemp

In the early 1970s, the Watergate scandal shocked the nation. One of the men involved was Chuck Colson, who later pleaded guilty and served time in federal prison. During this season, Colson came to believe in Jesus and converted to evangelical Christianity. In 1976, Colson published Born again, which recounts the events that led to his conversion and explains his radical change in life. The book was an instant bestseller, making Colson one of the most influential evangelical leaders of his time. Also in 1976, a Georgia candidate named Jimmy Carter won the Democratic presidential nomination and then narrowly won…

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A quarter of the world’s adolescents The Church has “permanently” lost its effectiveness as a force against injustice, poverty and environmental challenges, according to new research. But in the United States, Generation Z is more optimistic about the role of organized religion in improving society, according to a study by Barna in partnership with Alpha, Biblica and World Vision. The study found that 37 percent of young people said the Church “definitely has an impact on these issues,” the researchers said. “Among Christians, and even among adolescents of other faiths, this figure rises to more than two in five. »…

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Everyone knows that the afterlife is a place of great pleasure, but even on earth we can experience a tiny form of these pleasures (moi’ein olam habo). How to achieve this? How do we feel and experience here in this world part of the pleasure linked to the world to come (being a ben olam habo) ?Rabbi Yoshiyahu Pinto explained in his speech that one can experience the pleasure of the world to come if one spreads God’s light daily.Rabbi Pinto gave examples: If, for example, you are a barber, instead of gossiping and slandering your customers, strengthen and…

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The Boston College School of Theology and Ministry has launched an online lecture series that will help informed theologians and lay Catholics better understand what this synodal process is all about. The first series of video lectures focuses on the history, theology and practice of synodality. And they are wonderful. THE seriessponsored by CELAM, the Episcopal Conference for Latin America and the Caribbean and the Confederation of Latin American and Caribbean Religious or CLAR, among other groups, opens with an introduction from Luxembourg Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, who is general rapporteur of the synod. He begins by pointing out that we…

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I suspect 2023 is shaping up to be a tough year. I claim no particular prophetic insight, just good old proverbial wisdom. THE The NHS is overwhelmed, strikes are widespreadTHE the economic situation is difficult and the war in Ukraine appears no closer to a resolution. But the challenges ahead do not only concern us as Christians, and I believe they also offer us a huge opportunity to tell the world a better story. Here is my guide to issues the Church may face this year and how we can respond: 1. Census THE census results will continue to spread…

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Highland Baptist Church in Louisville transformed its Jesus stained glass window from white to brown to accurately reflect its ethnicity, to continue the congregation’s ongoing repair work, and to combat Christian nationalism. “We wanted to correct the misrepresentation of Christ in our window of Revelation,” said Lauren Jones Mayfield, associate pastor for care and justice at sister congregation Cooperative Baptist Fellowship. “Palestinian Jews are not white Americans in appearance, and we know that what we filter into our minds through symbols, images and iconography can become representative of what we worship. » Lauren Jones Mayfield The racially transformed Jesus also…

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(The Good Brigade via Getty Images) What are American parents more likely to pass on to their children: their religion or their politics? It turns out that most parents pass on both types of affiliation, and do so at equally high rates, according to a new analysis of multiple surveys from the Pew Research Center. This analysis examines how much American parents care about passing on their religious and political affiliations to their children and how successful they are in doing so, based on three Pew Research Center surveys conducted between 2015 and 2022. To see if parents place more…

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Alan Scott, pastor of Vineyard Anaheim, speaks on Sunday, March 20, 2022. | YouTube/Anaheim VineyardCauseway Coast Vineyard Church in Northern Ireland has released an investigative report into allegations of spiritual and leadership abuse against former pastor Alan Scott, highlighting accusations of manipulation, narcissistic behavior and public shaming .Scott, who led the large evangelical church in Coleraine before moving to the United States and is now pastor of Dwelling Place Anaheim, is accused of claiming to discern “people’s sins just by looking at them” and of set unrealistic salvation goals for church evangelists, the report by TrustedHR declares.Commissioned by Causeway Coast…

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Our world today is defined by two extremes: intense hostility on one side and stifling politeness on the other. A few years ago, I worked for the federal government in Washington, DC, during a very divisive season, much like the election year we are about to enter. That’s when I learned there is a difference between civility and politeness and why it’s more important than ever to recognize this distinction. Politeness is a technical: It reflects decorum, morals, manners and etiquette. It is neither good nor bad in itself, but it can be used for good or evil depending on…

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