Author: Admintemp

Two days after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year, a little-known congressman named Mike Johnson took the stage at the Christian Center Shreveport to celebrate.“This is a day we have been waiting for for half a century,” he told the bustling congregation, adding that there was no place he would rather be than with them. He beamed as he read excerpts from Louisiana’s new law punishing abortion providers with a minimum of a year in prison and a fine of at least $10,000. “They deserve it, brother,” he said, laughing. He ended with a prayer quoting scripture…

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Une rencontre interconfessionnelle informelle dans l’esprit du dialogue Talanoa En prévision de la COP28, la FLM, en tant que membre du Comité de liaison interconfessionnelle auprès de la CCNUCC, invite les personnes intéressées par la justice climatique et le dialogue interreligieux à un rassemblement interreligieux informel dans l’esprit du dialogue de Talanoa. Ce rassemblement sert de plate-forme pour les communautés religieuses participant à la COP28 de partager leurs initiatives, préoccupations et espoirs dans leur travail pour la justice climatique dans le cadre de dialogue Talanoa. Les dialogues Talanoa sont la manière dont les peuples autochtones des Fidji résolvent les problèmes…

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Les chrétiens peuvent être reconnaissants envers leurs amis mormons et les membres de leur famille qui sont de bons voisins et partagent bon nombre des mêmes normes éthiques et engagements moraux. Mais le mormonisme et le christianisme ne sont pas identiques. Loin de là. Même si le langage semble parfois similaire, les croyances sont assez distinctes. Les mormons ne comprennent pas l’histoire, Dieu, l’homme, le salut, le ciel, l’enfer, la croix, Jésus ou la Trinité comme l’enseignent les Écritures canoniques, et ils ne sont pas non plus d’accord avec la doctrine conciliaire enseignée par l’Église une, sainte, catholique et apostolique.…

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There are two moments from Mike Johnson’s early days as House speaker that almost perfectly encapsulate the broken way in which so many Republican evangelicals approach politics. The first one occurred just after the House elected Johnson. ABC’s Rachel Scott began questioning Johnson about her efforts to overturn the 2020 election. But before she could finish, Johnson’s Republican colleagues began criticizing her. Johnson just shook his head. “Next question,” he said, as if the question wasn’t worth asking. This is the kind of behavior that led Florida Republican Matt Gaetz to call the new president “MAGAMike Johnson.”THE second moment “…

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BAKERSFIELD, Californie (KGET) — Le pasteur Roger Spradlin de la Valley Baptist Church est décédé à l’âge de 68 ans après une bataille contre le cancer, a annoncé l’église. dans une publication sur les réseaux sociaux. Spradlin était le pasteur fondateur de la Valley Baptist Church et a été pasteur principal pendant près de 40 ans avant de prendre sa retraite en février. Le fils de Spradlin, Andrew Spradlin, a annoncé dimanche la nouvelle déchirante sur les plateformes de médias sociaux de l’Église : Au nom de notre famille, c’est avec le cœur lourd que je partage avec vous que…

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WARSAW, August 22, 2023 – Interreligious and interfaith dialogue is essential to promote the right to freedom of religion or belief and combat religious intolerance and violence, not only against people but also against homes, property , schools, religious sites or places of worship. » declared the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance of Victims of Acts of Religion-Based Violence. “Dialogue can be difficult, but it is no less vital,” said Matteo Mecacci, director of the ODIHR. “This provides an opportunity for different religious or belief communities to…

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Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Sunday pushed back against criticism of his Christianity, arguing that people who make such criticisms “don’t know him” because he claims to be “unfazed” by it. “I’ve been labeled all kinds of things, but these people don’t know me,” Johnson said in an interview with “Fox News Sunday.” “Look, my family… it’s no fun to be misquoted, slandered and mocked, of course, but we know it’s part of the job, and we don’t mind. » Fox News anchor Shannon Bream highlighted a opinion piece in the New York Times last week titled “The Embodiment of…

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Even in the best of times, interfaith work remains a challenge. These are far from the best times. Just as it is best to build bridges before a flood, interfaith advocates say that relationships across religious boundaries must be built before a crisis erupts – in the hope that they can withstand a crisis. . Receive the AJT newsletter by email and never miss our main news Free registration The massacre of Jews by Hamas terrorists on October 7 and the devastating and deadly toll resulting from Israeli retaliation in Gaza constitutes such a crisis, one that has made interfaith…

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CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — A federal lawsuit filed Tuesday alleges that the investment arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints misused hundreds of thousands of dollars donated by three men by investing the money in instead of using it for charitable purposes as they claim, it was promised.The lawsuit brings deeper scrutiny into how the faith widely known as the Mormon Church manages its vast financial assets supported by so-called “tithing” from members who contribute 10 percent of their income . The Church does not publicly disclose details of its finances. This new lawsuit against Church business…

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