Author: Admintemp

For evangelical Christians, conversations about singleness tend to be predictable. Whether it’s a sermon, a panel discussion, or a conference message, discussions are usually relegated to the topic of how one can escape this season through a romantic relationship or marriage . Singlehood is often presented as a means to an end, but rarely as a valuable end in itself. Over time, this mindset cultivated a superficial theology of celibacy within the Church. Our disproportionate focus on the escape routes of singleness leaves us unable to convincingly describe the beauty of this season or provide substantial balm for the difficulties…

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Pour soumettre des informations pour la section Nouvelles de l’Église, envoyez un e-mail à church.briefs@daltoncitizen.comappelez le (706) 217-6397 ou envoyez-le par courrier ou déposez-le à notre bureau : Dalton Daily Citizen, 308 S. Thornton Ave., Dalton, GA 30720.• Église baptiste d’Antioche à Dalton organise une chasse aux œufs de Pâques le samedi 23 mars, de 14h à 16h. Il y aura beaucoup de nourriture, de plaisir, des œufs de Pâques et des prix, disent les organisateurs. Tout le monde est invité. Il y aura un service du lever du soleil de Pâques et un petit-déjeuner le dimanche matin 31 mars. Le…

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La guerre, la foi et le dialogue interreligieux étaient quelques-uns des thèmes abordés par le juge Mohamed Abdelsalam, secrétaire général du Conseil des anciens musulmans, lors d’un récent sommet à Rome. 15 mars 2024 Le juge Mohamed Abdelsalam salue le pape François. (Médias Vatican) ROME: La guerre, la foi et le dialogue interreligieux étaient quelques-uns des thèmes abordés par le juge Mohamed Abdelsalam, secrétaire général du Conseil des anciens musulmans, lors d’un récent sommet à Rome. Le juge Abdelsalam s’exprimait lors de la conférence « Le Sommet du futur », organisée conjointement par l’Académie pontificale des sciences sociales du Vatican et le…

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Churches, mission agencies, and the modern mission movement have been greatly used by God to expand His kingdom and accomplish His great mission. They have spread the good news to new generations around the world, planted churches among less affected indigenous groups, and helped support local communities by providing education, health care, and aid. But what churches and mission agencies should consider is engaging with communities in a way that demonstrates they understand the fullness of the Kingdom of God. In other words, looking for transformation in all areas of society. For example, missions rarely engage in business, even if…

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Photos soumisesCamp artistique de l’église mennonite de Lost Creek. Sur la photo, de gauche à droite, Caroline Stoltzfus, Cody Stoltzfus, Atwell Fisher, Dawson Varner, Westyn Varner et Shayla Martin ; au milieu, Kendra Moyer, Adrianna Beck, Hadassah Shirk, Addison Beck, Brynleigh Lowe, Amelia Book, Skylar Matteson et Lexi Rhine ; de retour, Jayson Varner, Jayden Stoltzfus, Ezra Fisher, l’enseignante Judy Mummau, Archer Horst, Savannah Knouse, Tristen Knouse, Toby Horst, Sophia Fisher et Sophia Santana. Joni Rowe Westyn Varner Ezra Fisher Shayla Martin Alyvia Risban Brynleigh Lowe Leslie Milliken Brynleigh Lowe Pam Shellenberger…

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Several years ago, I was invited to write notes for a new study Bible for women. The project was unexpected and unusual to me, as I had never read a study Bible for women myself and was skeptical about the need for one. Why can’t we all read the same Bible? But after praying about this offer, I felt led to accept, in hopes that I could offer something of value to the women who would pick up the Bible. But I had no idea how transformative the project would be for Me! In my four decades of working in…

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«Avez-vous grandi dans la religion?» « Vous identifiez-vous à une tradition religieuse particulière ? “Comment priez-vous?” Ces questions ne sont pas courantes dans les Leo à l’étage, où les étudiants discutent généralement de leurs cours, de leur vie amoureuse et de leurs projets de week-end autour d’Olivier Branch. Pourtant, en tant que catholique pratiquant et étudiant en théologie, je n’ai pas peur de ces questions. Ils ont suscité certaines de mes conversations les plus mémorables et les plus édifiantes à l’Université de Georgetown, même dans le cadre bruyant et rudimentaire de Leo. Étudier la théologie et le gouvernement dans l’une…

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From Fifth Avenue to Dorchester Heights, this St. Patrick’s Day will feature traditional Uilleann pipers and Irish dancers; in Chicago, the river will be dyed green, and in Washington DC, the Taoiseach will present the President with a Waterford crystal filled with clovers. We’ll also see more kitschy pairings, from “Kiss Me I’m Irish” t-shirts to grown adults dressing up as leprechauns. Clergy have expressed concern that secular revelry obscures the religious significance of what is, after all, a holy day. Father Ryan Jones, an Episcopal priest at the Eucharistic Church of San Francisco, wrote last year that although he…

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New York Times bestselling author and historian Jemar Tisby recently joined Interfaith Alliance President and Baptist Minister Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush to discuss racism within white evangelicalism, the broader church, and the critical role of intercultural relations in achieving racial justice. Presented by Belief stateInterfaith Alliance’s weekly radio show, podcast the discussion centered on what Tisby characterized as a rejection of broader evangelicalism because of its engagement with issues of racial reconciliation. The African-American author spoke of coming to the Christian faith in a “white, evangelical context” and in a youth group where pastoral messages began to permeate. By accepting…

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