Author: Admintemp

In a free society, disagreements over moral and religious issues generally do not prevent us from living peacefully and respectfully with one another. Unless your religious beliefs conflict with the LGBT lobby. This was recently stated by North Northamptonshire Conservative councilor King Lawal. discovered. Last June, he tweeted his Christian belief that the idea of ​​pride – of being proud of one’s sexual identity – “is a sin, not a virtue”. For this tweet alone, Lawal was subjected to a brutal cancellation campaign and his life was turned upside down. He was suspended by his local party, allegedly at the…

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ST. LOUIS — Un incendie déclenché par trois alarmes a ravagé une église historique vacante lundi soir à Saint-Louis. Les pompiers de Saint-Louis ont répondu vers 8 h 45 à un incendie survenu dans l’ancienne église catholique romaine Saint-Augustin, située au 3114, rue Lismore, dans le quartier de Saint-Louis Place. Le bâtiment est désigné comme un Saint-Louis Point de repère de la ville et est inscrit au registre national des lieux historiques. Le chef des pompiers de Saint-Louis, Dennis Jenkerson, a déclaré qu’il s’agissait du troisième incendie dans l’église depuis 2022. L’église a été construite en 1896 par l’architecte de…

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Sudan (MNN) — The Sudanese army regain control of the national radio and television headquarters, thus lifting the communications blackout imposed by rebel forces in February. “In conflicts and wars around the world, opposing armies view ownership of leading media as giving the upper hand. If the media works, then it eliminates the enemy’s message and spreads his message,” explains John*, a unfoldingWord partner focused on Sudan. “Last I heard, television was not working in Khartoum, but having one is extremely valuable for them. » Lifting of the blackout authorized a Sudanese Muslim group to reopen its community soup kitchens,…

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There were too many meetings. When Mike Lowry became bishop of the Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church (UMC) in 2008, he also became responsible for governing two universities, two seminaries, a hospital and seven or eight others institutions. “And I realized that I could spend my entire professional life in committee and board meetings without ever entering a church,” Lowry told CT. The new bishop believed in the work being done by the Methodists, but it did not seem right that the episcopal role should be so fraught with bureaucracy. He felt bogged down. “Bishops should be…

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(Illustration RNS) (RNS) – Si les experts prédisaient que 100 000 bibliothèques aux États-Unis seraient susceptibles de fermer leurs portes au cours des prochaines décennies, les gens s’arrêteraient probablement et en prendraient note. Certes, si 100 000 bâtiments scolaires devaient être vides dans les petites et grandes communautés, quelqu’un en parlerait. Mais la possible disparition de milliers d’églises ? Crickets, a déclaré le révérend Mark Elsdon, pasteur presbytérien, auteur et entrepreneur social qui a cofondé RootedGood, une organisation à but non lucratif qui travaille avec les églises sur la façon d’utiliser leur espace. « Nous n’obtenons pas la même réponse…

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Dieter F. Uchtdorf, du Collège des douze apôtres, a entendu des gens dire que s’ils avaient vécu dans des temps antérieurs — de Jérémie dans l’Ancien Testament, de Léhi du Livre de Mormon, de Joseph Smith dans les derniers jours ou même de Jésus-Christ lui-même — ils auraient trouvé cela plus facile à croire.”Mais si nous l’avions fait, je ne suis pas tout à fait certain que cela aurait été aussi facile à croire”, a-t-il déclaré lors d’un discours religieux du dimanche 17 mars à l’Institut de religion de l’Université de Salt Lake City, dans l’Utah.« Quelle que soit l’époque,…

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Is there a lot of discussion online about left-wing and “woke” Christianity lately? What is this? Definitions have changed. For most of my adult life, since the 1980s, I have followed and criticized the religious left. This is what it was: Protestants and Catholics who did not think agreement on historic Christian beliefs, including the divinity of Christ, was necessary, who prioritized politics over the traditional work of Church, who loved Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega while often supporting Marxist guerrilla movements, who did not. criticize the former Soviet Union or any other communist government, which claimed that America was…

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The Faith and Liberty Discovery Center announces its closure less than three years after opening at Independence Mall in Philadelphia.The museum created by the American Bible Society in July 2021, it would be open to visitors until March 28. The Christian ministry nonprofit that translates Bibles and sends them around the world has recently been besieged by challenges, including layoffs, financing problemsand five CEO changes in two years.Their latest general manager, Jennifer Holloran, appointed in February, informed employees of the closure in an email sent Wednesday, according to Christianity today.“Despite the valiant efforts of the FLDC leadership and team, we…

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IE 11 n’est pas pris en charge. Pour une expérience optimale visitez notre site sur un autre navigateur.Lecture en coursLe pape François tente de démystifier l’Église catholique dans ses nouveaux mémoires03:43SUIVANTComment les acheteurs et les vendeurs peuvent économiser de l’argent grâce aux décisions immobilières03h50Le volcan islandais entre en éruption pour la 4e fois depuis décembre00:38Le père de Laken Riley s’exprime : “Elle a été emmenée si tôt”02h40Le premier vol charter d’Américains fuyant Haïti atterrit à Miami00h30Target limite le paiement en libre-service à 10 articles alors que de plus en plus de détaillants modifient leur politique03:07Kate Middleton saute la célébration de…

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Worshipers attend a concert by evangelical musician Sean Feucht on the National Mall on October 25, 2020 in Washington, DC Samuel Corum/Getty Images hide caption toggle caption Samuel Corum/Getty Images Worshipers attend a concert by evangelical musician Sean Feucht on the National Mall on October 25, 2020 in Washington, DC Samuel Corum/Getty Images NPR Political Correspondent Sarah McCammon grew up in Kansas City, Missouri in the 1980s and 1990s in an evangelical Christian community that taught him to fear God and never question his faith. She was “saved” at age 2, baptized at age 8, and grew up watching Christian…

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