Author: Admintemp

In 204 BC, the Romans imported a new foreign cult. When the barge carrying the cult statue to Rome became stuck in the shallow waters of the Tiber, a young aristocratic woman, Claudia Quinta, miraculously pulled the rope to pull it single-handedly. As her name suggests, she was the fifth daughter in her family. The reason this story first struck me years ago is the same reason it came to mind while reading journalist Timothy P. Carney’s new book, Family is not family friendly: How our culture has made raising children much harder than it needs to be: Fifth children…

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It’s the time of year when we pause our calendar to make room to celebrate Holy Week, repeating the Gospel events leading up to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus -Christ. For centuries, Christians have followed a religious calendar to mark the seasons and special days honoring Jesus and the Gospel: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Holy Week, Pentecost, and Ordinary Time ( which marks the periods between Lent and Advent). And while most nondenominational churches are aware of them in theory, they tend to only participate in one or two throughout the year. We may distribute palm fronds on…

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Editor’s note: Hong Kong officials on Tuesday unanimously passed their own version of a national security law that could sentence people convicted of political crimes, such as treason or external interference. Article 23 of the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s mini-constitution, requires the enactment of a national security law, which residents have protested in the past over fears it could restrict freedoms. Now, with a pro-Beijing parliament, the bill was passed at record speed. John Lee, the city’s top leader, said the new law was needed to address loopholes in the existing national security law that Beijing imposed on Hong Kong…

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March 19 is the feast of St. Joseph, also known as the Feast of St. Joseph. This day celebrates the life of Saint Joseph, “the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary, adoptive father of Jesus Christ and patron of Universal Catholic Church,” Father Angelo N. Carusi told Fox News Digital. Carusi is pastor of St. Rocco Church in Johnston, Rhode Island. TEXAS PRIEST REVEALS WHY ORTHODOX LENT STARTS ON “CLEAN MONDAY” WITH FORGIVENESS AND FASTINGSt. Joseph’s legacy remains influential even today, even though the Bible doesn’t contain much about him. “I think it’s rather astonishing that there are no words…

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Les Congrégations d’Orange Collaborative vous invitent à élargir vos horizons et à engager des discussions significatives à travers notre Club de Lecture Interconfessionnel !Cette séance plongera dans le roman stimulant de Roland Merullo, « Petit-déjeuner avec Bouddha ». Préparez-vous à ouvrir votre cœur et votre esprit en explorant les thèmes de la foi, de la philosophie et de la recherche de sens.Rejoignez-nous sur:Date: 7 mai 2024Temps: 19 h 00, heure de l’Est (HE)Plate-forme: Zoom (les détails de la réunion seront fournis lors de l’inscription)Inscription:Les places sont limitées, alors réservez votre place dès aujourd’hui ! Veuillez contacter Stéphanie à pour…

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II’m afraid these men will only slow me down,” says a confident Benedict Cumberbatch as the godfather of computing, Alan Turing. A 2014 biopic, The game of imitations, depicts Turing as a solitary, world-changing genius who reluctantly accepts help from less intelligent colleagues who would only threaten his effectiveness and from whom he must hide secrets that threaten his clearance, his career, and his life. It turns out he’ll need his friends’ help to keep his job, and together they crack the Nazis’ Enigma code and create the prototypical model of a computer, the Turing machine (it’s the story, not…

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ST. LOUIS – Un important incendie nécessitant trois alarmes s’est déclaré lundi soir dans le nord de Saint-Louis. Le bâtiment était autrefois l’église catholique Saint-Augustin sur les rues W. Hebert et Lismore. Dès lundi soir, les équipages se préparaient à une zone d’effondrement potentielle. Cette église a été le théâtre de deux autres incendies. Lors d’un incendie en 2022, le bâtiment était en rénovation pour un projet à but non lucratif. Tous les pompiers travaillaient à l’extérieur du bâtiment. Le chef Dennis Jenkerson a déclaré que de nombreuses personnes sans logement cherchaient refuge dans le bâtiment et qu’avec la baisse…

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The Coptic Orthodox Church announced this month that it had suspended dialogue with the Catholic Church due to Pope Francis’ decision. Fiducia Suppliants – which Coptic leaders saw as a Catholic “change in position” on homosexuality.Coptic icon in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. public domain.In a March 7 statementthe synod of Coptic Orthodox bishops announced that it had decreed to “suspend the theological dialogue with the Catholic Church, reassess the results obtained by the dialogue since its beginnings 20 years ago and establish new norms and mechanisms so that the dialogue continues in the future.”“The Coptic Orthodox Church…

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Nous voici arrivés au dernier épisode de notre visite au Sri Lanka avec la Fondation MAGIS. Ce qui émerge est une Église vitale, luttant pour une liberté religieuse totale et attendant toujours des réponses sur les attentats de Pâques 2019, tout en luttant pour vaincre le cléricalisme persistant dans ses rangs. Par Antonella Palermo – Negombo (Sri Lanka) Mieux comprendre le défi du dialogue interreligieux au Sri Lanka était l’un des objectifs de notre voyage avec la Fondation MAGIS (Mouvement Jésuite et Action Ensemble pour le Développement), qui soutient plusieurs projets dans la nation asiatique, notamment dans le domaine éducatif.…

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A group of Augustana University students gathered in solidarity, sitting in a circle and chanting prayers from their respective faiths one after the other, to commemorate the official reopening of the interfaith hall.Students covered their heads with scarves as a sign of respect for the sacred space, while symbols of different non-Christian religions surrounded them, adding color and vibrancy.The opening of the interfaith hall, located in the Morrison Commons building at Augustana College, took place on February 28 and was intended as a revival of sorts. It was a marked moment of healing after a traumatic moment that occurred in…

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